Guanyang Wang   王冠扬

Guanyang Wang
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Rutgers University, New Brunswick


Department of Statistics
Office 453, Hill Center
110 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Email: [at] rutgers [dot] edu

About me

Welcome! I am an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

My research primarily focuses on Monte Carlo methods, generative AI, quantum computing, and probability. Feel free to reach out if you would like to discuss our shared interests. I particularly encourage students with a strong programming background to get in touch.

My research is partially supported by NSF DMS-2210849, NSF FET-2403007, and an Adobe Data Science Research Award. Thank you!

I received my Ph.D. in Mathematics (Ph.D. minor in Statistics) from Stanford University in August 2020, advised by Prof. Persi Diaconis. Prior to that, I received my B.S. with Honors in Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Jun 2015.

With several friends and colleagues, we organize a weekly online seminar on Monte Carlo methods. Check out our recorded videos here!

My Erdős number is 2 ( [1] , [2] , and [3]. )


  • Yasa Syed (Statistics, fifth year Ph.D. student)

  • Wei Yuan (Statistics, fourth year Ph.D. student)

Recent News

  • Our collaborative proposal (PI: Mario Szegedy , Co-PI: Jose Blanchet and myself) Quantum Monte Carlo Speed Ups for Multilevel Computations and Other Statistical Algorithms [1] [2] has been awarded a $1.19 million grant by the NSF! Excited :) (Jul 2024).

Recent Works

* = alphabetical order, = equal contribution, = corresponding author, ** = student first author
